Psycle: industrial vision applied to your products and processes
We develop and install tailor-made solutions to ensure that industrial vision meets your needs.
Psycle advantages
to turn industrial vision into a new strategic tool
On-site testing
Understand the specific features of your products for a camera
Carry out your own tests on a vision system (hardware + software)
Become autonomous in qualifying and operating a vision system
Collect the benefits of the vision system on other lines, in other plants, on other issues
Understand and resolve your quality problems with industrial vision
Reliable solutions for detecting and rejecting non-conformities
Based on your expertise, we define customised rules to automate quality control. Our vision systems also help you to identify the causes of non-conformity, so you can focus on what really matters: solving problems.

AI-enabled vision: an asset for your future production lines
Vision as a new frontier of automation
Use all the possibilities offered by vision to automate your processes; reduce the cycle times of your robots thanks to the power of AI.

Control and improve your indicators thanks to your cameras supervision
Vision for continuous improvement
We offer quality and continuous improvement departments a turnkey solution for collecting and processing vision data. Analysing production lines, monitoring camera status and training AI algorithms has never been easier.

Annotation de vos données de production
Mettre de côté un produit NOK permet, à l'instant T, ne garantir la qualité de la production.
Allez plus loin en enregistrant une photo de ce produit, en l'annotant pour indiquer les zones non conformes et permettez à l'ensemble de vos lignes de prendre en compte ce nouveau cas.
Agrégation des données
Rassemblez les données capturées depuis l’ensemble de vos lignes !
Chaque nouveau défaut rencontré sur un poste permettra à vos autres postes vision d’être capable de le détecter.
Statistiques de tous vos cycles de production
Les applications Psycle en production sont faites pour agir en temps réel sur vos lignes.
Une fois les non conformités écartées, retrouvez l’ensemble des contrôles et actions effectuées par votre poste vision pour mener les actions correctives ciblées.
Psycle, trusted partner of European integrators for industrial vision
Psycle provides vision and robot guidance solutions controlled by PLCs, to simplify the integration of vision on automated lines.