153 rue Robert Schuman
60610 Lacroix-Saint-Ouen


BASF chooses Psycle to mitigate compliance risks

Dimitri Lefebvre - BASF

Dimitri Lefebvre
Head of packaging workshop

BASF Coating
S.A.S Z.I de Breuil-le-Sec
60676 Clermont cedex


see this use case
see the Psycle solution

What types of non-compliance are you likely to encounter?

Our business requires us to maintain constant vigilance in order to preserve the optimum quality of our packaging and therefore of the product protected. Most non-conformities take the form of dents, crumpled labels, drops of product on the packaging, missing or incorrectly positioned caps.

What risks are you exposing your products to as a result of non-compliance?

As you can imagine, the type of risk varies according to the defects encountered. To take the examples given above, dents or dings on our packaging increase its fragility and therefore the risk of product spillage. The same applies to missing or incorrectly positioned caps. These non-conformities can lead to serious problems during transport. We’re thinking in particular of the risks of pollution and damage to the vehicle used for transport. Also, when a label is crumpled or missing, the safety instructions are illegible or even completely absent. From a global point of view, when packaging has a defect, our company’s brand image is strongly impacted. So, to anticipate the risks of non-compliance and significantly increase the effectiveness of our quality controls, we decided to adopt the Psycle solution.

We have chosen to adopt
the Psycle solution

What impact has the arrival of the Psycle solution had?

Before the vision system was installed, we had a statistical recording system for our packaging lines. This enabled us to focus our improvement work in a general way. With the integration of the Psycle system, and in particular the vision-based defect detection system, we have been able to target the areas of work with greater precision, as well as intervening in real time on all the defects detected. Today, we have seen a reduction in production stoppages, as well as improved control and traceability.

We have seen a reduction in
production stoppages

Keep an eye on your production lines, thanks to vision machines that are reliable, scalable and easy to use.